10 Surprising Facts and Benefits about Honey

Honey has always been employed as part of culinary delicacy and is known to play a significant role in the medical world for thousands of years around the world. Mother Nature’s valued treat is also extolled as a sweetener and is good for your health.

It offers many health benefits that are much better and more significant than refined artificial sugar or any other synthetic sweetener. Despite this, however, care should be taken when it comes to eating honey since it also contains glucose and fructose just like refined sugar. Both honey and sugar can have negative impacts on blood sugar levels in your blood and should, therefore, be avoided by people struggling with keeping their blood sugar levels within the required healthy range.

Therefore, here are ten facts and benefits about honey that probably you haven’t know:

1. Treatment of the hair and skin

Honey is widely employed during treatment of the skin and is known to work wonders with burns, cuts, and infections on the skin. When mixed with milk and consumed regularly, it controls the aging process by getting rid of wrinkles, skin cells that are dead, etc. It also contains humectant compounds which help in moisturizing your skin. Mixing honey with lemon helps to improve the glow of your skin and for treating acne.

It also contains vital nutrients like minerals and vitamins which are excellent for dealing with hair issues like dandruff, hair fall, broken hair, and unhealthy hair.

honey on plate

2. Utilized for weight loss

It contributes to helping users to lose excess weight naturally by enhancing metabolism processes. When used in combination with lime, green tea, cinnamon, and water, precious bee nectar helps to control unwarranted weight gain.

3. Sound health

Honey is considered a good source of nutrients that are vital for the overall health of the human body. However, caution should be exercised to avoid side effects as a result of excessive use.

4. Energy food

It is an energy booster, thanks to the presence of fructose and glucose. These sugar molecules are not combined – as they are in refined white sugar – but are separated. This makes the glucose to act as an instant energy resource.

5. Digestion aid

It reduces gas, bloating, and constipation. It is also very rich in friendly bacteria which aids digestion and reduces allergies. Your immune system can also be enhanced when you use honey.

6. Helps kids to sleep peacefully

Several studies have shown that honey improves the quality of sleep in kids. As observed by parents during the tests, it reduced coughing spasms in children during the night, thereby helping them to sleep peacefully.

7. Precious since mid age

Honey was considered a high-valued commodity by the Germans as far back as the 11th century. It was so precious that the aristocrats in Germany forced poor peasants to pay them using honey as currency. It was in high demand back then since it was the right ingredient to making beers to taste sweet.

8. Boost your memory

It contains memory-boosting antioxidants.

9. Good for your eyes

Is known to have a relaxing and soothing effect on the eyes.

10. It can kill off some internal parasites

Several parasites always find their way into the human body and cause ill health. When honey is mixed equally with water and vinegar and then consumed, the parasites are killed off immediately.
